Theresa’s Story
Theresa was born early on a summer morning. At about eight pounds she was born full term. Several hours after her birth, Theresa was on a ‘flight for life’ to Denver Children’s Hospital. Diagnosed with Hypo Plastic Left Heart Syndrome, a Complete Unbalance AV Canal, Pulmonary Stenosis, and SVC Syndrome. She was listed for a heart transplant and at only seven months old she received the gift of life.Leading up to, and after the heart transplant, Theresa suffered a series of complications and continues on her journey. As a result of the fierce battle with heart disease, she suffered two strokes, heart transplant rejection, and multiple infections. Today after three open-heart surgeries, five cardiac catheterizations and after 230 days in the hospital she is now one, and we have such a beautiful little girl. We are so blessed and thankful to the countless individuals that have helped Theresa. From the bottom of our hearts thanks to our family and friends, for the Donor and their family, Brent’s Place, Children’s Hospital Denver, and the Samantha Remington foundation for all the support through this difficult time. Together in spirit, like angels, we have all made the difference for this little girl.
-Told by, Josh, Theresa’s Dad