
Oliver’s Story
Oliver came into the world with multiple, life-threatening congenital heart defects that were not detected prior to his birth. The first seven years of Oliver’s life consisted of seven open-heart surgeries, a cardiac arrest, two strokes, and countless other invasive procedures. He and his parents lived in hospitals in Los Angeles and Boston until Ollie was four. Following that, they were able to move back home to Los Angeles, where Oliver was regularly monitored at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
Since then, Ollie has been able to attend school with many limitations due to the permanent damage caused by his heart complications. Despite his many challenges, he finds humor and joy in each day. He is a loving boy who has shown incredible courage and strength in the face of severe adversity.
One year ago, Oliver’s heart function started to deteriorate. His doctors discovered that he would need a heart transplant. Oliver was quickly placed into the National Heart Transplant database. By the grace of God, he received a new heart after only one week on the list. The surgery went very well, and Oliver has just passed the one-year post-transplant mark. He is doing miraculously well and will turn 16 next week with a healthy new heart and a continued love of life.
Our family is forever grateful to Sammy’s Heart Angels Foundation for their generosity and support.
– Written by Oliver’s Mom